
Para tener un futuro saludable junto a su familia,empieza con usted.


Mi Historia Personal

Mi mamá fue diagnosticada con cancer del seno en el año 2016. Fue una batalla fuerte para ella y para mi familia. Gracias a nuestra fe, medicina, los doctores y el apoyo de todos que nos rodearon, pudimos superar unos momentos muy difíciles. Por eso me he asociado con Susan G. Komen Los Angeles County. Susan G. Komen Los Angeles tiene recursos para informar a familias en esta misma batalla. Mi mamá fue diagnosticada a tiempo por un examen regular. Mi meta con esta colaboración con Susan G. Komen Los Angeles es para motivar a las mujeres en nuestra comunidad a cuidar de su salud para tener un futuro saludable junto a su familia.


My Personal Story

In 2016, my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. It was the most difficult battle my mom and our family have ever faced. Thanks to our faith, medicine, doctors and the support of those that stood by our side, we found the strength to overcome our most difficult days. This is why I have partnered with Susan G. Komen Los Angeles County. Susan G. Komen Los Angeles has a fountain of resources to help inform families going through this same battle. Fortunately, my mom was diagnosed early through a regular exam. My goal with this collaboration with Susan G. Komen Los Angeles is to motivate women in our community to prioritize their health and work together towards a healthy future with our families.


To have a healthy future with your family, it begins with you.

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